The TechFak Summer Party is the largest of many summer festivals held at the Southern University Campus and traditionally takes place on the last Saturday of June. From the dance floor on the Red Square to the barbecue station in front of the Computer Science Tower, both professors and students mingle alike until well into the evening. The supply with cold beers is ensured by a dozen of taps. To gather more insights into the past years, you can take a look at the website specifically created for the event and all the latest news will be posted on our Instagram.
The organization is handled by the AK TechFak Sommerfest, representative of the FSV, supported by the Verein der Fachschaft der Technischen Fakultät e.V.
We usually start planning at around January, since time is of the essence with an event of that size. During the summer semester, we generally meet up every week to hand out tasks and to update each other and to get on the same level.
If you are interested in helping us with the organization, please just contact our team at