
University elections

University elections 2023

At universities, many decisions are made in committees. Most of them are made up of professors, but also students. Who represents the students and shows the professors the student perspective is decided in the annual university elections.
Strictly speaking, two elections take place at the same time.
For the university level, 15 students are elected to the “Konvent”. This is the highest purely student body at FAU. It is formed by a total of 30 students (15 are indirectly elected) from all faculties. Hence medical students can also vote for natural scientists and vice versa. The “Konvent” is responsible for the university political positions of the students.
At faculty level, other lists are available for election, but some of the students are on multiple lists. 15 students are elected to the “Fachschaftsvertretung” (FSV), and the four people with the most votes are also elected to the “Fakultätsrat”.
Among other things, the FSV Tech helps organise the Tech Sommerfest and TechFak Goes Downtown, lends its inventory to FSIs and university groups so that they can organise parties and is the faculty-wide contact for students.
The Faculty Council is made up of professors and the student faculty councillors. It is responsible, for example, for setting up degree programmes or filling professorships.
This year’s elections will be held online or by postal vote between 20.06.2023 from 9 a.m. and 27.06.2023 until 9 a.m. Each student has 4 votes faculty-wide and 15 votes university-wide, which can be used for entire lists and/or individuals. The legislative period begins in October 2023 and ends in September 2024.
University political commitment is an honorary office, which is why anyone and everyone can generally stand for election. However, reliability and commitment are essential.
Candidates usually present themselves on websites (Uni: Hochschulwahlen – Stuve FAU, TechFak Instagram: @liste_fau, @tf_fsi_hsg_liste) with a few words and their respective areas of focus to make the election decision easier. At university level, the university election compass of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Hochschulwahlkompass der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) is also available.
Go vote! – So that your interests are also represented.
If you have any further questions, is there for you.

Technische Fakultät 2023

Wahlvorschlag Nr. 1: FSI und HSG Liste
1. Raab, Jan: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik, FSI EEI
2. Görnert, Carina: Energietechnik, FSI CBI
3. Rieger, Jan: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik, FSI EEI
4. Peppel, Christian: Energietechnik, FSI CBI
5. Tessema, Betelhem: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik, FSI EEI
6. Schering, Marco: Life Science Engineering, FSI CBI
7. Wickel, Lars: Informatik, FSI Inf
8. Weiß, Silvan: Informatik, Juso HSG
9. Braun, Carina Johanna: Life Science Engineering, FSI CBI
10. Ruggiu, Aldo: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik, FSI EEI
11. Montag, Nils: Chemical Engineering – Nachhaltige Chemische Technologien, FSI CBI
12. Lieb, Jannik: Informatik, FSI EEI
13. Grunow, Saskia: Informatik, Juso HSG
14. Tietgen, Kai: Chemie- und Bioingenieurswesen, FSI CBI
15. Mons, Ruben: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik, FSI EEI

Wahlvorschlag Nr. 2: Die LISTE
1. Kotschenreuther, Tim: Elektrotechnik – Elektronik und Informationstechnik